While many church volunteers are still missing from serving, there are people who continue to show up. But what do you if they are more about just checking the box, doing the bare minimum, and then going home? Or, at worse, worn out and checked out.
Let’s face it. Life is just plain hard these days and everyone is exhausted. The fact that people are showing up should be celebrated!
I know that time and money are tight and, for now, all the balloons, cake, and the dreaded confetti needs to be on hold for another time. I believe you can still have fun and celebrate every time a volunteer shows up.
And I have an easy solution for you! PIPE CLEANERS!
That’s right. They are super cheap. I found these (see pic) at Target, 350 pipe cleaners for only $5.00.
Now, what to do with these? Well, I’m glad you asked. I have a few ideas below but the main thing to remember is that whenever you are holding or passing them out, you simply must hold them splayed out like a bunch of flowers.
Use in Huddles to cast vision to be flexible. Invite each volunteer to pick ONE. Watch as they carefully chose the right color. Have fun with it. Ask, “Are you sure?” “Is this your final answer?” Share: Flexibility means the ability to be easily modified and the willingness to change or compromise. First, thank you all for showing up and demonstrating flexibility as we’ve had to modify our Sundays. Is there a place that, maybe, you have not served in but could lend a hand today? Is there an area where you have avoided serving but maybe today is an opportunity? Maybe you only talk to people you know really well. What if you approached or talked to people you don’t know? So, let’s wear them today to celebrate your service and be challenged with what we each can do to be more flexible. You can put them on your belt loop, on your wrist, or be creative!
Use in the children’s area after church to hand out. But even better. During special times of the year - or even now to kick off Back To School - our Ushers would hold them like flowers to give to kids in the worship center. Here is the thing, the kids would come running to the Ushers and beg for one. Our response: “Great! If you go and show me where you are sitting, I will bring one to you!” This did two things:
It was a simple way for our Ushers to get comfortable with engaging with our guests before the service began.
We were able to meet and engage the parents, and guardians of the kids.
Don’t forget the power of play to connect and encourage your volunteers to connect and encourage your guests.