What if we were thoughtful about where and how we schedule volunteers?
My experience working and visiting churches is that we simply “put people” in the most likely places. You know, either at the front door or the door leading into the worship/sanctuary/auditorium.
That’s it!
Perhaps “those people” may be just a warm body but I would argue from the standpoint of how God sees them, and how our guests see them, it’s way more.
It should be more.
While Guest Services, Greeting, Ushering can seem like the easiest area to serve we have so much at stake, every Sunday:
That first-time guest looking for a GOOD reason to stay!
That long-time guest looking for something more than the usual or complacent greeting. (Even though they may be unaware that’s what they need.)
And then there’s the fight against the schemes of the enemy.
Consider Nehemiah when he was building the wall. The wall is like an old testament version of “This Old House” or any remodeling project on HGTV. And in today’s climate of declining attendance yet with the greatest need for God, why are we not looking at every single area of our churches for ways to “remodel” - rebuild, build up - heck, I’ll take even tweak a bit.
Consider what Nehemiah was facing and how he conquered the challenge.
It was a season of great affliction, hardship, and brokenness. Nehemiah 1:3
His heart was broken (not angry) by the losses.
His response was to fast and pray.
Then, when the work began, he knew exactly what he was facing and he was pre-determined to not be deterred.
Notice how he took care to make sure the vulnerable places in the wall were well protected.
Notice no one was placed anywhere alone.
Notice he was unapologetic about his decision.
“So I stationed people behind the lowest sections of the wall, at the vulnerable areas. I stationed them by families with their swords, spears, and bows. After I made an inspection, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the great and awe-inspiring Lord, and fight for your countrymen, your sons, and daughters, your wives and homes.”
Nehemiah 4:13-14
If you are in a season of rebuilding your ministry, your volunteers, you are also in the sights of the enemy. It’s the same today, the enemy does not want you to rebuild.
But remember you are “doing a great work”.
And you are not supposed to do it alone.
Remind your volunteers that they also are “doing a great work” with the help, guidance, and strength of our great God.
We are fighting for more than a “check-the-box” Sunday.