Disney vs Trader Joes?

Ok, seriously, I love Disney, so this is not a slam or criticism of Disney. I have experienced their behind-the-scenes tour and they totally knock it out of the park in hospitality.

But lately, Trader Joes has really gotten my attention:

1.     They are smaller
2.     They are local-focused
3.     They invite you into their space
4.     They have a “happy atmosphere”
5.     They provide exactly what I want AND…
6.     They show me things/products that I didn’t know I really wanted/needed.
7.     They are laser focused on mission.
8.     They are all about PEOPLE over everything else. (Their podcast, “Inside Trader Joes” Episode #4 The Store Is Our Brand talks about why their people love their jobs)

AND their website concludes with:
“It’s not complicated. We just focus on what matters — great food + great prices = Value.”

I mean…FOCUS! All. Day. Long!

And this is a great reminder that if you are a church of less than 500 or 300 or 200, you have a place in this world.

In fact, I believe that every local church has a place in this world (large or small).  AND I believe that we can and must challenge ourselves to take note of of places like TraderJoe's and when they state “…. just focus on what matters…”

What if we simply took this model and to see what it could look like for the local church? 

1.     They are smaller..
According to Barna Study JAN-APR 2016, 
                                      46% attend a church 100 or fewer attendees
                                      37% attend a church 101 - 499
                                       9% attend a church 500 - 999
                                       8% attend a church of 1,000 or more

2.     They are local-focused.
What is happening in your community? Right now? Be aware and be intentional of community events to become a part of them rather than create a separate event. What local charity or community group could use a boost of hands or dollars?

3.     They invite you into their space.
Church should be THE MOST inviting space on the planet! So starting planning now for that person who is not attending any church! It's never too late! 

4.     They have a “happy atmosphere”
And I would add, updated, clean, fresh scented and joyful people. So why do we think it's okay to have frowns and furrowed brows greeting and seating guests? Joy in the midst of pain or trials is the point and we are called to encouraging one another toward great joy in the Lord! 

5.     They provide exactly what I want AND.....
There is no need to apologize for being about God and asking if we can pray for people and be intentional about it. Yes, we can be casual or fun but putting God first (or not) in how we start each and every service will be evident. And I believe that Huddling before serving is a huge component to being able to provide what God has planned for the day and His people. 

6.     They show me things/products that I didn’t know I really wanted/needed.   
This is where ALL the "What If's" come into play: What if volunteers voluntarily ran to the messes! What if volunteers came early so that people could tell "these people really care". It's not about being expensive or big but rather paying attention to details and stewarding all our resources well. 

7.     They are laser focused on mission.
Are there too many events, classes or topics that muddy the water or become "white noise" for visitors? 

8.     They are all about PEOPLE over everything else. (Their podcast, “Inside Trader Joe's” Episode #4 The Store Is Our Brand talks about why their people love their jobs).
People are God's most precious resource, so what if we trained, encouraged and equipped volunteers so well, that the overflow resulted in radical hospitality in ways that you could never train for? Why do we think all we need to do is tell people where to stand rather than pour into them and learn about their lives, their struggles and how to serve them first? That old adage People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." really is TRUE! 

As a “foodie” I am always looking for interesting and quality service in restaurants and grocery stores.

As a child of God, I am passionate that no other place or business on this planet should ever exceed the goodness, joy and love of the local church.

We can do this! I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it!