Key Takeaways
1) People's first impressions of your in-person service are determined in minutes.
2) Look for the people in your church who seem to get it. And empower them.
3) "At the end of the day, the church needs to be the place we all find refuge and hope."
Meet the Justice League
So meet my Justice League above, left to right Charlie, aka Aquaman; MIchele aka Wonder Woman; and Jay aka The Flash!
Leadership is not easy and it can be isolating if you are not intentional with surrounding yourself with other strong, healthy leaders. Which is why, when I was leading a ministry with over 1,000 volunteers and a support staff, I needed to form my own inner circle, board of directors or as they decided to call themselves; The Justice League.
I reconvened The Justice League for a reunion the week before the Covid quarantine hit. These leaders served on the weekends as part of my leadership team and 100% as volunteers.
It’s all unscripted and you will hear all the background noise as well.)
It's OKAY! It's real life! ENJOY!
Walking the Prodigal Road
July 2008 would be the last time I would see my oldest son, Alex.
It didn’t start with a fight.
It came out of the blue.
There were no warnings. Trust me, I’ve searched and combed through that year so many times and I have learned to let that go.
So what have I learned over the last 12 plus years?
Mostly, I’ve have learned that only God will be able to accomplish a restoration that I pray for daily.
This talk was initiated on the weekend of Alex’s 35th birthday, unbeknownst to Aliene! But then, the few times that Aliene and I have connected over the years have been directed by God. But that’s another story!
The WHY Matters!
Hear Mary Ann's story through her interview with Dylan Dodson, Pastor of New City Church in Raleigh NC (FIND THEM HERE) and how serving others with radical hospitality really does matter!
I say I’m more a cheerleader than a consultant…
In the interview, Chris Reinolds engages Mary Ann: “You don’t see the guest services ministry as a throwaway ministry. You don’t see it as a throwaway position. You actually see there’s some intentional value in it, and from the impression I get, you think that some of the best people should be serving in this type of ministry.”